School of the Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA) in Boston invited Margo Johnson, Executive Director,
Superseed, to speak and present work as a visiting designer.
Margo met with faculty,
Chantal Zakari,
Carl Sesto and students in the the Text and Image Arts program which studies visual communication through graphic design, artists’ books, interactive Web, and multimedia while encouraging students to develop a personal voice.
Margo's presentation covered her career background, education, teaching, influences and her current business,
The theme: "The need for creativity in the future U.S. economy" exposed students to a current news topic -- how businesses are seeking the creative thinking process of artists and designers.
She shared her approach, outlook and visual samples as inspiration to her design process. Discussion evolved on topics such as
BusinessWeek's site on Innovation, web 2.0, marketing, trends, thesis,
Emigre, typography,
CalArts, art and photography.