By ARIC CHEN Published: August 19, 2007
One year away from the start of the 2008 Summer Olympics, the Chinese capital is getting ready for its star turn on the world’s stage.
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Qu Nar, a restaurant owned and designed by one of China’s most renowned contemporary artists, Ai Weiwei. He created it as a kind of dining club for his creative circle. “The restaurant actually loses money because we don’t promote it,” said Mr. Ai, who opened it in 2005 with several bohemian friends. “But it’s worth it because now we have a place to hang out.”
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Qu Nar, a restaurant owned and designed by one of China’s most renowned contemporary artists, Ai Weiwei. He created it as a kind of dining club for his creative circle. “The restaurant actually loses money because we don’t promote it,” said Mr. Ai, who opened it in 2005 with several bohemian friends. “But it’s worth it because now we have a place to hang out.”
Photo: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times